Its June, the sun is shining and Wallasea Island is waiting for you to bring your kids out in the fresh air!

Canewdon Primary School was our first school to visit this summer and have set the pace for others to follow. Pupils of year 4 donned their boots, slapped on the sun tan lotion and had a brilliant time exploring the seawalls and viewing the site of the immense new nature reserve on their doorsteps.

Following a warm welcome from RSPB's South Essex Education team, they got to grips with binoculars, learnt about food chains, grew long and short beaks and went on a massive bug hunt.  Habitats' study has never been so much fun!


Other classes, and schools will soon follow in their footsteps.  Children learn so much from getting out of doors and discovering nature - that's how we all started in the RSPB !  Who knows, perhaps we had a future Kate Humble or Chris Packham out with us today.

I've gone wild on Wallasea!