Well we've been bombarded with the BS in the headlines all week, so I had to use it!!  However, our own Wallasea Community is the subject this week. As Europe's largest conservation project, and a flagship for the RSPB, we'd really like our online community to get a lot bigger too.  The first step is obviously to get people to look at the site, which our statistics show is coming along nicely thanks to the media coverage we get fairly regularly now.  Please spread the word and encourage others to take a look too.
Unfortunately, you seem to be  a shy bunch,so I'm appealing for you, yes YOU reading this now, to JOIN our community.  Its FREE, it can be anonymous, and if you are at all sociable there's bound to be someone out there who will talk to you - regular contributer 'Bill Oddie's Beard'  is obviously just dying for one of you to join in his threads - please take a look at the forum and see if you can help him in his quests! Or, if you are on the island and get a nice photo, we'd love to see it on the gallery.
Another way to get involved with the RSPB,and the Wild Coast Project, is of course by volunteering with us.  We have a small, but perfectly formed, group of lovely, warm, friendly, fun people ( yes I'm grovelling 'cos I want their help soon!) who would welcome you into their midst.  Volunteering doesn't necessarily mean you have to commit to lots of hard work, or even give up lots of your precious time.  As we are at the start of the development of our programme of events and have limited facilities on site for now, we are only looking for enthusiastic, energetic people to muck in when we need a hand - at events,with our admin and promotional work, and with our education and youth work.  If you have other particular skills that you think might be useful we would love to hear from you too. All this is in very early stages, so it's your chance to be a part of something as it grows.
So come on what are you waiting for?  Love Wallasea?  Come and Join us !

I've gone wild on Wallasea!