With summer now upon us, we have seen the last summer migrants return to Tudeley. Nightjars can be heard churring on the heath and spotted flycatchers can be seen catching insects in Brakeybank.

It is a good time to look for flowers at Tudeley in the summer especially on the meadows and woodland rides. In the last month several have come out in flower including greater butterfly orchid (below left) and twayblade (below right)


Common spotted orchids and bugle (below) can be seen throughout brakeybank meadow.


Other sightings from the last month include spotted flycatcher at decoy pond, a pair of raven over the heath displaying, lesser spotted woodpecker in brakeybank woods, woodlark on yew tree field and marsh tit near decoy pond.

Other wildlife sightings this month include dingy skippers on brakeybank meadow,  green hairstreak butterflies in sandhill field, four spot and broad bodied chasers, beautiful demoiselle, adders, grass snake.


Please do let us know of any sightings you may have.

