Wednesday morning was as expected, damp and squally with a leaf strewn lane up to the Car Park suddenly looking very autumnal. Conditions quickly improved and turned out far better than we could have imagined, making it a real pleasure yet again, to be out on the Reserve. We were back on Valley Mire looking to progress our scrub clearance and had ideal conditions for burning our new brash and that remaining from last time. Kelly Kettle proved more temperamental than usual with damp fire lighting material, but got there after considerable persuasion (thank you all for your patience!). It was nice to welcome back Joe and Keith and hear of everyone's tales and exploits over lunch. Furthermore, the Scots Pines we set as our target boundary no longer seem so very far way.... The sunshine seemed to bring the birds out with small flocks of Siskins and Crossbills to be seen flitting around the tree canopy. So many thanks to Brian, Charlotte, Gareth, Keith, Jane and Joe who finished the day smiling sweetly despite having spent it getting soggy feet in the ever more sponge like Valley Mire.

                                      Still smiling sweetly.......