Last week saw two work parties out at Tudeley Woods on Wednesday and Sunday. Wednesday’s work party turned out despite the terrible rain in the morning, which goes to show the dedication of our volunteers! Luckily the day’s task involved making two big (and warm) bonfires to burn the brash that was cleared during the last session in Yew Tree Field. The rain made starting the second fire slightly tricky, but the decision delegate the fire starting duties to the bush-crafty Keith and new volunteer Charlotte proved wise and, in no time at all, fire number two was blazing. Needless to say, the gods rewarded their hard work with a respite from the weather in the afternoon and even several seconds worth of sun!

The matches and firelighters were out again on Sunday as we built another bonfire to burn birch that was cut  last winter and was slowly being swallowed up by bracken and even more birch. We were surprised to be joined by a marauding band of swine (see photo), intent of stealing Claire’s jumper and our lunch. We have no idea where they came from but they seemed very bold and inquisitive, if not friendly.

So another huge thanks go to the volunteers, without whom we would struggle to survive as a reserve and an organisation.