• Titchwell Recent Sightings - 21 April 2022

    This week we completed our monthly Wetland Bird Survey across the reserve and we have seen more migrants drop onto the reserve.

    Car Park, Visitor Centre & Woodlands

    Around the woodland areas, the blackcaps and chiffchaffs continue their song.

    On Monday 18 April Lesser whitethroats were heard singing on the east trail where a grasshopper warbler can also be heard.

    Red kites, merlin, kestrel, sparrowhawk and buzzar…

  • Titchwell Recent Sightings - 14 April 2022

    With a change in the wind direction to the south there was a flurry of spring migrants arriving at the beginning of the week.

    Car Park / Visitor Centre / Woodlands

    Blackcaps are dominating the spring chorus but were joined by the arrival of several Willow warblers at the beginning of the week who are passing through the reserve as they continue with their migration.

    The highlight of Tuesday 12 April was the arrival…

  • Easter fun for families - first week round up

    Rain won’t stop play

    Despite the threat of bad weather and occasional downfall of hail stones, we’ve had a cracking start to the Easter holidays. So far this week families have dipped and dunked in the dragonfly pond, set off on adventures to find mini-beasts, charmed worms, followed the story of Marsha our marsh harrier and released moths, beetles and bugs into the wilds of Titchwell. Phew! Is there anything left…

  • Titchwell Recent sightings - March 2022

    March, the month of change at Titchwell as we say goodbye to our winter visitors and we start welcoming the arrival of the summer migrants.

    Car Park / Visitor Centre / Woodlands

     A highlight for many of us in March has been watching the large flock of Bramblings moult into the fine breeding plumage and listening to them singing in the morning. Many have now departed back to their breeding grounds in Scandinavia, but a…

  • Plovers in Peril: Working together to give beach nesting birds a future

    An update from Wynona and Ben, our Plovers in Peril Project Team.

    On a rather blustery Tuesday morning, the Plovers in Peril team at RSPB Snettisham beach were excited to be joined by a few of our Norfolk coast neighbours to speak out about beach nesting birds and to share an important message to visitors.  

    In a bid to slow the worrying declines in three beach nesting bird species across the Norfolk coast, conservation…

  • Walking back to happiness

    I never made it onto the athletics team at school.  I couldn’t master the high jump, hurdles terrified me, and running at speed was not for me. Age hasn’t changed my preference and I still opt for a ramble over a sprint when it comes to taking a spot of outdoor exercise.

    The benefits of ‘soft exercise’

    Walking is a ‘soft exercise’ that can help us savour the world around us and reconnect with nature…

  • If you have time to spare, then you have nothing to lose! - Volunteering, a beach ranger's perspective by Wynona Legg (plovers in peril project officer)

    Our beach ranger volunteers are nothing short of extraordinary. Working across our sites through the year to inspire others and provide much needed protection to vulnerable beach nesting birds clinging on in our shared spaces.

    Each volunteer has a story of their own and an individual journey that has led them to join our team, but they share one thing in common – they are all local people, stirred to take action for the…

  • Plovers in Peril - Beach Nesting Birds are Go!

    An update from Wynona our ringed plover project officer.

    A new season is here for the birds that breed on our beaches!

    As the weather warms in Norfolk, many of us start to think about summer and those much-needed escapes to the sandy shores of the Norfolk’s coast! Only thing is, we aren’t the only ones making important plans for the season ahead.

    The beaches at Snettisham, Heacham and Titchwell are home to…

  • Plovers in Peril: A warm welcome from Ben – our new Seasonal Field Officer

    Hello all!

    As I sit writing this post, with a view over the rippling marram grass and colourful mosaic of shingle at Snettisham beach, the atmosphere is full of hope and promise as the world wakes up from the cold days of winter. There is a calmness in the early spring sunshine, but in a few short weeks this same scene will be bursting with energy and drama as the creatures that call this place home rush to raise their…

  • Treat your mum to a gift inspired by nature this Mother's Day

    Handing it to nature

    Over the last year or so I’ve definitely noticed that my hands feel a lot drier than they used to.  Like most people I seem to be washing mine a lot more, and and over time chemically based hand wash has literally stripped my skin of natural oils leaving it dry and sore.

    Swapping my usual product to one that has been made without harmful ingredients will help restore some of those lost lipids…

  • Volunteers needed to protect beach nesting birds in Norfolk

    We are looking for volunteer beach rangers to help protect, monitor and spread the word about vulnerable beach nesting birds which breed on the sand and shingle beaches between Snettisham and Heacham in Norfolk.

    Can you spare a few hours a week? Local beach nesting birds need your help!

    Beach nesting birds like ringed plover and oystercatcher are struggling to find safe places to raise their families on the Norfolk coast…

  • Nestboxes on parade

    Moving in: give wildlife a home this February with a garden nestbox

    If you’re thinking about putting up a nestbox this spring, there are a few pointers to bear in mind. Not least of all, the importance of location, location, location.

    As a general rule of thumb, unless there are trees or buildings which shade the box during the day, nestboxes should face between north and east, avoiding strong sunlight and the wettest…

  • Recent Titchwell sightings - 10/2/2022


    Spring is in the air this week with the woodland dawn chorus building featuring Song thrushes, Chaffinches, Robins and Blackbirds singing away.

    Car Park / Visitor Centre / Woodlands

    The bird feeding area has been very busy as enter the hungry period, the time when natural food supplies are at their lowest.

    The are a number of Brambling around the trees along with Chaffinches, Goldcrests, Blue tits, Great tits

  • Make a date with nature this Valentine's weekend

    February may be the shortest month of the year but its arrival dispatches the  bleakness of winter and hints at warmer weather to come. Watery sunlight boldly peeps through the folds of night and there’s a promise of spring in the air. Thin layers of glistening frost may retain the legacy of Christmas scenes, but romance is just around the corner.

    Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion for bird lovers, nature lovers…

  • Recent Titchwell sightings - 4/2/2022


    I feel like I say this a lot, but it has been another great week on the reserve for some bird watching, with a good selection of birds all across the reserve. 

    Car Park / Visitor Centre / Woodlands

    The Siberian chiffchaff continues to sighted around the meadow trail along with a couple of common chiff chaffs. The tops of the trees are alive with the flocks of goldfinches chattering away to one another. Bullfinches…

  • Why our wetlands matter

    Stopping points for migratory waterbirds

    Few migratory birds complete their onerous journey in one fell swoop. Most species will make considered ‘layovers’ along the course of the flyway in which to rest, refuel and seek protection from inclement weather. For waterbirds, wetland habitats are a vital component of this annual return pilgrimage between winter and summer homes.

    RSPB Titchwell Marsh and Snettisham…

  • Recent sightings - 27/1/2022

    This week we completed our monthly WeBS count, however it also coincided with fencing contractors being on site and a hungry peregrine causing some displacement across the reserve. 

    Car park / Visitor Centre / Meadow Trail

    The woodland bird song has been building with a song thrush singing its heart out most mornings and the blue tits are busily checking the nest boxes.

    The two Siberian chiffchaffs remain around the visitor…

  • #BigGardenBirdwatch - Feeding your garden birds

    If you’re planning on taking part in the #BigGardenBirdwatch, or even if you’re not, having a great dining offer on the table (or in the feeder) will attract a variety of birds to your green space. However, with a swathe of bird foods on the market, how do you know you have made the right choice for your garden visitors? Most suppliers will advise you if their product is suitable for hanging feeders or bird tables, but…

  • Ever Fancied Volunteering for the RSPB in North West Norfolk?

    Have you ever considered volunteering for the RSPB?

    It’s easy to do at RSPB Titchwell Marsh & Snettisham.

    We couldn’t do all we do for nature without our wonderful volunteers.

    The reserves at RSPB Titchwell Marsh and RSPB Snettisham are wildlife havens for North West Norfolk. They offer some of the greatest nature spectacles in the UK as well as providing a home to Norfolk’s wonderful wildlife, such as…

  • Recent Titchwell sightings - 13/1/2022

    Welcome to the first recent sightings blog of 2022! 

    Following on from last year, the reserve is bursting with birds all over the place. Since the 1st January we have recorded 127 species of birds already, 103 on New Years Day alone! Highlights from the year have included whooper swan, Bewick's swan, Slavonian grebe, black-throated diver, purple sandpiper, jack snipe, Mediterranean gull and Siberian chiffchaff. 


  • The birds of Titchwell in 2021 - a review

    In 2021 we have recorded an amazing 226 bird species at Titchwell, the highest number in the four years that I have been here. The breeding season was disappointing, not helped by the weather, with low productivity (number of chicks fledged). However, the Freshwater Habitats and Beach nesting bird project are aiming to improve this.

    January – March

    There was an eery absence of people for the first three months of…

  • Give robins a helping hand over winter

    Most birds find it a little trickier to grab a tasty morsel between late autumn and spring. This is when natural food supplies are usually at their lowest. Seeds are scarce, insects have scurried underground or beneath warm log piles and not everyone loves a juicy winter berry. If you’ve got a bird table or a flat surface away from pesky predators, then now is the time when garden birds will reap the most benefit from…

  • Robins - winter's songsters

    As autumn slowly ebbs into winter and temperatures dwindle into single figures, the slightest hint of cold air can make me retreat further into my downy bed. Getting up early on a wintery morning goes against common sense and hibernation seems a solid plan.

    Surprisingly, only a handful of wildlife in the UK truly hibernate hedgehogs, hazel dormice, and bats. A few other species, such as badgers and red squirrels enter…

  • National Tree Week

    Trees and hedgerows are vital for wildlife as food plants, shelter and housing. From small invertebrates to hedgehogs, from fungi to badgers, so many species of fauna and flora depend on these habitats all year round. The benefit of trees and hedgerows to humans also can’t be underestimated, who can resist the sound of trees rustling in the wind or the branching shade of a large oak on a sweltering day.


  • Recent sightings - 19/11/2021

    Welcome to the latest summary of what has been seen at Titchwell this week.

    Visitor centre / car park / meadow trail / fen hide

    With it still being mild for this time of year many of the woodland and garden birds are finding plenty of food within the scrubs, so are not using the bird feeders as much.

    There is the odd brambling near the visitor centre and goldcrests are scattered amongst the trees. A small flock of g…