This week the reserve team were able to make a start on clearing the vegetation from the freshmarsh islands to ensure they are in top condition for next years breeding season. The vegetation is much thicker than anticipated so it is going to take a couple more days this coming week to get it finished. The good news is that the birds aren't that bothered and the birds are closer to the west bank path for you to see! 

if you have walked around the meadow trail this week you will have noticed we have a cut a few 'migrant holes', these provide sheltered glades for wildlife to shelter in out of the wind. There will be a large number of flies and dragonflies buzzing around in them and it provides a good opportunity to look for migrant birds who have dropped into the bushes for a rest and a feed. 

Other tasks this week have included installing a new bench as the previous bench had rotten legs making it a hazard for people to sit on, repairs to the boardwalk where some of the edging had fallen off and the weekly cleaning of the hides. 

We hope to see you soon