In a blink, the freshmarsh has undergone remarkable changes since our last update seven days ago.

Now featuring a fully bunded southeast carrier ditch, crafted to redirect water away from the southwest compartment. Once pipes are installed, water will flow seamlessly through this ditch into the tilting weir and out to the outfall in the saltmarsh without causing a stir in the eastern compartment. The northern carrier ditch has also received a bund upgrade, ensuring smooth water movement from the northwest compartment.

Northern ditch and bund - Ryan Doggart

Addressing the low points in the central and western bunds has been ticked off the list. We've reprofiled islands, lowering some for optimal winter flooding – a huge help with vegetation suppression, making these islands bird-friendly breeding havens.

Reprofiled islands in southwest compartment - Ryan Doggart

Anticipation is high as we await the delivery of smaller pipes to install between compartments and ditches, promising enhanced control and precise water management.

On the outfall infrastructure front, gabion cages that will support the outfall pipes in the saltmarsh are under construction – a task requiring both dexterity and precision.

Gabion cages - Lucy Ferrer

Seven days, a sea of progress. Stay tuned for ongoing updates as we navigate the upgrades to the marsh.

All the best.

Hayley - Senior Sites Manager, RSPB North West Norfolk Reserves.