Marsh harrier by Ray Kimber

The skies may still be void of planes but there is lots of action in the air at Titchwell. The milder weather over the past two days has really spurred the marsh harriers into action and courtship is well underway.

Sky dancing is the name given to the display flights of marsh harriers. It involves a usually silent and often secretive species becoming loud and obvious. The male and female circle higher and higher on thermals and deep slow wing beats calling to each other as they go. This is often followed with rapid helter sklelter like loops to near ground level with the final show stopper move being an aerial talon grapple if your really lucky.

Sometimes the male will bring back food from a hunting foray to help convince the female of his suitability as this bird did today. Not sure what he had but some people thought it may have been a stoat.

If you have not seen sky dancing before then it is must see natural wonder of the UK, and you can see it at Titchwell on any clam day over the next month or so.