Welcome to the latest update of the freshwater habitats project at RSPB Titchwell Marsh. 

If you missed out on our previous update you can find it here

Over the past couple of weeks the contractors, RSK, have continued the transformation of the freshwater reedbed to benefit the wildlife that are dependent upon this habitat. 

Continuing with the last blog, the contractors have now completed raising the central bank that runs east west along the centre of the reedbed, stopping water aimlessly pouring over the bank which was creating issues with water level management. To the side of this bank, a new pipe and crossing point has been installed as the previous pipe was not large enough and was blocked. The new pipe will allow us to move water off the reserve when required and improve fish connectivity. 

Behind the fen meadow, a new open area of water and islands has been created, doubling the size of an existing hidden pool. This area can be viewed from the west bank path and over time will create lots of reedy edge to benefit bitterns and egrets. 

Even more ditches have been opened up and mysterious crossing points have been discovered, some with and some without pipes. Instantly water filling up the ditches and dragonflies were hunting along them. 

The last piece of work this week, was enlarging and re-profiling the area in front of the Fen hide to create more edges for bird such as bittern, snipe and water rail to move along. Not long after the works were finished a grey wagtail was feeding along the edge. 

The project will now be taking a break for a month whilst we await the arrival of the water control structures. The new predator fence will also be installed at the same time. This break will provide an opportunity for the water to settle down and ensure we get the next phase correct. 

If you have any queries please do get in touch with us at: titchwell@rspb.org.uk  

Best wishes

Lizzie Bruce

NW Norfolk Reserves Warden

The project LIFE on the edge: improving the condition and long-term resilience of key coastal SPAs in S, E and N England (LIFE19 NAT/UK/000964) is supported by the LIFE Programme of the European Union in partnership with the RSPB and the National Trust