The weather forecast is spot-on today- it's started raining at lunch time just as they forecast, which gives me some time to be in the dry to write this post!

Bird sightings have been generally consistent with last week: the highlights being a lovely flock of yellowhammers, reed buntings and bramblings around the car-park entrance to the Sandy Ridge field, with bramblings vey showy under the three sets of feeders around the Gatehouse area.

Red kite and raven have made appearances over the week, with several woodcock seen at dusk. Just  a few lesser redpoll have been flying over - it's been a poor year for these little finches and their cousins the siskin at The Lodge.

The only report of hawfinch this week was a bird in a yew tree near the hide on Tuesday 6th.

It's incredible that we've already reached half-term again! Our half-term trail is up and ready for families to take part in and we have a 'Show the Love'  green heart making event on Wednesday 14th to support the Climate Coalition campaign, (12 am -3 pm) . This is followed by our annual make a nest box event, held as part of National nest box week, on Thursday 15th, 11 am- 12:30 pm (booking requested on 01767 69333)

More details on these and other events on The Lodge web-page:

To finish, here's a selection of stunning images that have been taken at The Lodge recently. Thanks to all of the photographers for sending these in.

 Malcolm Ausden Sparrowhawk Robin Gilmore

 Moody Lodge trees Robin Gilmore

 Robin Gilmore; Buzzard with meal and on-looking jealous magpies!

 fighting dunnocks Rob Gilmore

 Sunrise with mist Robin Gilmore

 Great- spotted woodpecker Geoff Harries

 Leucistic great tit Roy Macdonald

 Red-legged partridge Roy Macdonald