With all of the news on half-term events and updates on the boundary work I've not updated on the birds and wildlife recently...apologies!

With good numbers of waxwings in Scotland and the north east of England, and even down to Norfolk, it seems it's going to be one of those good waxwing year's again, and a flock of 16 birds were seen in flight heading south-west over the reserve yesterday.

While I was working in the visitor Centre in the afternoon, a nice flock of 40 to 50 redwings were foraging in nearby yew trees, sometimes startled by one of the many jay's flying into the same bush and sending the redwings off in short flights, before they returned and settled back to searching and eating the berries. Small flocks of siskins occasionally passed over and settled into the larger tree tops and a sparrowhawk floated low and slow over the heath in the bright sunshine. There was also a report of a crossbill flying over, so there may be a chance of some birds still in the area after a couple of sightings last week.

Let's hope the waxwings settle in the area!

 Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)

Ray Piercy has been busy taking a selection of autumnal pictures at The Lodge this week!