After the grey skies and heavy rain of the last week, I have just looked out of the window and thought it would be nice to post a couple of pictures of the reserve and the Gatehouse flower bed looking lush and verdant in the sunshine! The Lodge gardeners, Val and Nick, planted the wild flowers when the wall was rebuilt and they do look glorious now. Volunteers and staff from headquarters come and look after the window beds to add a splash of colour to The Gatehouse. These plants are also full of nectar for the bees, butterflies and insects!

We aren't sure what's happened to the spotted flycatchers. They made a nest close to last year's tree near the hide, but it was very exposed. We didn't see any young or signs of feeding, so they may have failed at this site and found another, hopefully safer tree to nest in. The hobbies are out on the heath and a family of ravens has been seen a few times, so they have bred in the vicinity again.

We have a jay that is visiting the bird feeders on a regular basis and although the dawn chorus is getting quieter by the day, there are still plenty of garden warblers and blackcaps in song around the site. Eight crossbills flew over the new heath on Tuesday and mistle thrushes, buzzards, red kite and singing skylarks were still busy dodging the showers!

The weather looks more settled later in the week, so why not come along and enjoy the birds, flowers and lovely scenery on the reserve for yourself?