In the recent cold winter weather you may have noticed some different birds coming into your garden in search of food.

We often get asked if we know what type of birds they are, so here's a couple of pictures of two of the birds that cause ID problems for many!
Both are from the thrush family and are winter visitors mainly from Scandinavia and the far north. They feed off berries in this country, and come into gardens from the countyside in harsh weather.

 Ben Andrew RSPB Images  Chris Gommershall RSPB images

Fieldfares are the larger of the two birds, similar in size to a mistle thrush, and have a distinctive grey head and an orangey speckled chest, which can be very varied in colour.

Redwings are similar to song thrushes in size, with a creamy yellow eye stripe and and a reddy orange patch under the wing- hence the name.

In my own garden this week I've had reed bunting, a grey wagtail ( from the nearby river), both fieldfare and redwing and two snipe flew over during the snow!