A few more siskins have been seen this week, and some have been heard singing, too. Though it's not quite the breeding season (for most birds, at least) males will often start singing in January. It's a bit of practice before the main event - impressing the ladies and staking out a territory to be defended from other males.
A firecrest has been seen a few times in recent days. This is the UK's - and Europe's - smallest bird, jointly with the much more common goldcrest. They look pretty similar, too... but if you get a good look at a firecrest, you'll be dazzled by its orangey crown, bright white 'eyebrow' and beautiful bronzy shoulders.
At least two firecrests were seen in the gardens before Christmas, but they're even harder to see at the moment. You might need to spend quite a while looking around the trees and rhodendrons, though.
Unfortunately, these small warblers can be hit hard by prolonged cold weather like we've experienced in recent weeks. Their population may have dropped considerably, but to be sure we'll need to wait until the UK's Breeding Bird Survey has been carried out in spring.