At this in-between time of late summer and autumn it can be a quiet period for birdlife, but we have had several raptors over the new heath recently. At least one hobby is still lingering across the heath, two kestrels hovered and soared together, several buzzards were about, and this morning a red kite flew slowly over, while a sparrowhawk was photographed bathing at the hide.

A willow warbler made a brief visit to the hide, joining a great-spotted woodpecker and nuthatch using the feeders. There have been regular sightings of ravens again this week and jay's are once again becoming more obvious as they forage for nuts in the chestunt trees. On Friday a spotted flycatcher was seen on the trail towards the hide.

On the heathland path near the visitor centre, a wasp spider was discovered in the heather on Saturday, which caused great excitement for those that saw it!

 Wasp spider at The Lodge Andy Holtham

The heather is still looking wonderful in it's purple flowering stage, so a great time to come here and enjoy this Indian summer.