All day coach trip to RSPB Old Moor
Sunday November 18th, Hitchin & Letchworth RSPB Local Group has a trip to this attractive South Yorkshire reserve with a wide variety of habitats and hides, just off the A1. £15.50 coach fare, local pick ups. Phone Malcolm Ingram for more info and booking, tel 01462 451320, visitors welcome.

Talk 'Gulls: What a Load of Rubbish' by Paul Roper On Friday December 7th organised by Hitchin & Letchworth Local RSPB Group. Gulls are prolific migrants and face fascinating conservation challenges. Paul is a very experienced bird ringer, both at home and abroad and his talk will tell us about gulls, and the work of the North Thames Gull Group. At The Settlement, Letchworth SG6 4UB, 7.30pm, visitors very welcome £3.