On a stunning late autumn day with the car park bursting at the seams, there's been several brief sightings of a hawfinch amongst the flocks of thrushes feeding through the Yew trees in the visitor car-park. Goldcrests, great spotted woodpecker, a bullfinch, chaffinches and greenfinches have joined in the feast. A pair of ravens were very vocal in the Douglas Firs on the new heath and jays have been busy feeding around the reserve. A few siskins were spotted and a sparrowhawk dashed across the new heath.

A female brambling has just dropped down to join the chaffinches below the feeders along the entrance drive.

On Tuesday 21 November, habitat work along the main path to the hide will mean the closure of this path throughout the day. Other paths remain open as usual.

Now I'm off outside to see if I can spot the hawfinch!