After the very busy Easter, I have a few minutes to do a blog again and let you know what's about!

It's a good year for the common warblers, with high numbers of both willow warblers and blackcaps, and chiffchaffs are also here in good numbers. However, the northerly winds seem to be stopping other migrants arriving, I haven't had any reports of cuckoo as yet and last year they arrived on 12 April, although I have seen one at Paxton pits this week, so they are coming. 

Hobbies are also still to arrive, last year the first date was 20 April. We are also waiting for garden warbler, whitethroat and hopefully a scarcer migrant or two!-then spotted flycatchers at the beginning of May.

A wheatear was over on Sandy heath last weekend, again the only report I know of locally,and sadly no ring ouzels seem to have dropped by (as yet) this year.

A couple of grass snakes, common lizards and a very good number of butterflies, bees and insects have all been taking advantage of the lovely spring conditions.

The sunshine, warmth and dry weather seem to be good for the reserve at the moment, with everything looking fresh and glorious. The bluebells are now fully out by the gardens, so come along to enjoy them looking their best. We will need some rain soon though!

 Image Mark Brandon