After a little lull, I've been sent an influx of recently taken photos.
On the reserve, bird life is generally starting to quieten down now that most of the young have fledged - and birds start to go into moult and stop singing. Flocks of young tits and finches are foraging thought the trees and it seems to be a good breeding season for our common species.
The hobby pair aren't so visible this year, we are deciding on how and if a hobby watch will work, and if we can set up 'scopes to show them to visitors this summer- more news to follow on this soon.
While the birds may be quieter, it's a very good year for butterflies and other insects, so plenty to keep you keen naturalists busy!
Garden warbler Ray Piercy
Large skipper Ray Piercy
Cinnabar moth Ray Piercy
Distant hobby Ray Piercy
Plenty of bee and hoverfly action! Ray Piercy
A stunning poppy field near the reserve entrance. Rob Gilmore
Meadow brown. Rob Gilmore
Upside down nuthatch! Rob Gilmore
Wild flowers. Rob Gilmore
Robin looking for bugs. Rob Gilmore
Young goldfinch. Rob Gilmore
Enjoy the warm sunny days ahead!