Our busy programme of August events reached a peak with a fantastic weekend of outdoor theatre with the Pantaloons. We did get very wet for a while yesterday afternoon during Treasure Island, but the cast carried on despite the weather and all of the audience stayed to watch  -  but with their umbrellas and hoods up! On Saturday for Much Ado about Nothing, it was around 30 degrees in very hot sunshine, so really hard work for the cast and audience, but a great show!

Back to nature, the four hobbies have still been showing well, mainly over the new heath, but we did see two over the house while we were at the Pantaloons show on Sunday. RSPB member David Knowles visited with his wife last week, and took this terrific picture of one of the juveniles perched up and looking alert.

A weasel scurried across the drive as we drove along to HQ on Saturday morning  and there's been several sightings of hummingbird hawk - moth on the lavender near the shop and in The Lodge gardens.

 We've tried a few new activities for children this summer, and the den building area is proving very popular. Mieke Vrijhof sent me this picture of her grand-children, enjoying starting work on the first den.

With the school holidays now coming to an end, we have a Walk on the Wild side tomorrow between 2 pm and 4 pm,  for ages 8-12 and Mini-Beast Safaris on Thursday 27- and the final one this year on Wed 2 September. More details on the web site or please call 01767 680541 to book.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Cost; Adults free, children £5, RSPB Wildlife Explorers £3

Steve Kershaw, our regular wildlife artist, will be painting and showing his work on Sunday 30th at the Visitor Centre, providing the weather is kind. Steve has been unlucky so far this summer, as it has rained on each of his once a month visits. Better luck this week I hope!