With our birds now generally becoming quieter as they tend to their young and harder to see in the dense foliage, insects and invertebrates are becoming more of a focus for many visitors. Cinnabar moths are here in good numbers and several dragonfly species are on the wing, with four-spotted chasers posing well for photographers. On the warmer days, common lizards are often seen along the edge of the trails. They especially like basking on the dead logs, so give them a check as you walk around.

Common lizard at The Lodge. Image credit Graham Taplin

  Four-spotted chaser, large red and common blue damselfly on The Lodge ponds. All images Gary Sanderson

The hobbies are still feeding over the new heath and often seen along the Buzzard trail to Galley Hill, but spotted flycatcher sightings have been sporadic and scarce here to date, although one was reported between the shop and visitor centre early this morning. A pair of ravens were calling as they flew over the drive yesterday.

Lilac and white foxgloves are coming into full bloom and replace the bluebells and azaleas of late spring, to continue the welcome flow of bright colour into the summer.