Hobby watches at The Lodge
This year the hobby's have hatched one chick in the nest, and we are running watches to show the birds through our telescope on the following dates and times.
Saturday 28 July 11am- 2pm
Sunday 29 July 10:30am-1pm
Tuesday 31 July 11pm-3pm
Thursday 02 August 2:15pm-4pm
Sunday 05 August 1pm-3pm
 Ray Piercy
To reach the viewpoint, take the Buzzard trail starting opposite the shop for approx 500 meters, and the viewpoint is a short way along the track signposted to Sandy.
Viewings dependent on weather.
Last year we had amazing sightings of the adults catching prey and taking it to feed their young, and ariel battles as they fought off the local buzzards and kestrels!
You can come and see the birds at any time of course, but our volunteers will be in on these dates.