I'm pleased to bring the very welcome news that the first hobby was reported back on the reserve and has been seen several times over the last few days. Let's hope that they choose the same tree to raise their young in again and we can set up the hobby watch station in a few weeks time to show everyone the exciting comings and goings around the nest site.

 Hobby at the Lodge 2017 Image credit Rob Gilmore

The last bramblings were seen on Friday 20th, and the feeders seem very lonely without them this week. Most of the warblers have arrived now , with willow warbler, chiffchaff, blackcap, whitethroat and garden warbler all on site, although I've yet to hear of a lesser whitethroat here, but these birds are only occasionally seen at The Lodge. A cuckoo is being heard at times, mainly from the reserve borders from the Sandy Ridge trail and the greylag geese have had their tiny goslings in the gardens.

We'll be looking our for, and hoping, that the spotted flycatchers are the next of our breeding birds to return at the beginning of May.

 Goslings observing the new world, Rob Gilmore

 Pheasant calling at The Lodge Rob Gilmore

 Nesting action Rob Gilmore

 Sparrowhawk bathing at the hide Ray Piercy

 Portrait of a sparrowhawk, Ray Piercy