As part of the Greensand Country Heritage Lottery Fund project to promote heathland on the Greensand Ridge, we've just opened our short heathland path at The Lodge, which takes you close to the heather, gorse and broom and you can see the many invertebrates and insects that live on the heath. We have a series of chalkboards along the route with some info and facts on what to look out for on the heath.
The path starts at the visitor centre and eventually will form a larger loop on the Sandy Ridge side of the reserve. Hope you enjoy it!

One of our regular photographers, Trever Hensley, took these great images of the robin on our signs, just near the Visitor Centre.

The hobbies were quiet yesterday, only being seen on a couple of occasions through the day.The spotted flycatcher is also very hard to see at the moment, the last report we know of was on Thursday, but it's likely the bird(s) are around on the reserve, we'll keep looking!