I've decided that hawfinches are good for your health. We've had several reports of birds at and around the hide recently, including three before 9 am today, then we've dashed down and just missed them each time. I've had a fly over and a brief view through the 'scope on one of the birds in a hornbeam on nearby Hawksberry Meadows last weekend, but not one of a nice perched bird on the reserve. My heart-rate has improved after the dashing around however!

Others have had more luck - (and time and patience!), as two photographers had pictures of a female coming down for a drink at the hide pools, very early this morning.

Aside from the hawfinches, a few fieldfares are joining up with the larger flocks of redwings, a couple of single bramblings were seen over the weekend and a blackcap was spotted near the hide yesterday.

A peacock butterfly and still a good number of red admiral butterflies are making the most of the extended mild autumn!

 Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com)

Good luck if you come searching for the hawfinches!