We've almost reached the end of another very busy half-term week and the weather has behaved perfectly. Even today when the forecast wasn't very good, it's been fairly sunny from first thing.

We had a sighting of a kingfisher on the natterjack toad pools below the hillfort this morning .....not a regular Lodge bird! A woodcock flew across the drive mid-morning and the bramblings are still around under the feeders, although in smaller numbers in recent days. Treecreeper, yellowhammer, reed bunting, goldcrest and both green and great-spotted woodpeckers have all been seen today, while buzzard, kestrel and sparrowhawk have been soaring in the air together.

A red admiral added to the feel of spring, while earlier in the week a bright yellow brimstone butterfly was on the wing.

 Kestrel with buzzard. Image credit Trevor Hensley.