All of the elements came together perfectly for our Discovery Day at The Lodge on Sunday. Bright sunshine, great birds in the ringing demo and crowds of visitors enjoying the event and having a walk in the early autumn around the reserve.

The  recent north- easterly winds have kick-started the migration season, and two bramblings and a redwing were recorded in the ringing session. Siskins were in the birch tops around the Gatehouse and another redwing flew over. Ravens were seen and heard, and a hummingbird-hawk moth hovered around the lavender beside the path to the shop.

Today I saw a stonechat on the new heath, close to the diversion trail and the hobby was seen once again.

Images from The Lodge Discovery Day event.  Gill Butt and Mark Brandon
 A very big thanks to the ringing team, RSPB Bedford Local Group, Beds Natural History Society and all of our volunteers for helping on such a busy day.