Apologies for the delay since the last posting. I've been away in the Yorkshire Dales, adding Black Grouse for my 200th UK bird of the year, but looking in envy at all of the great birds arriving on the east coast.

The Lodge is starting to look more autumnal and gaining a lovely golden hue, but the mild weather still gives a less than wintry feel-at the moment! The first migrants are coming through, with flocks of redwings. a few fieldfares foraging through the trees and bushes and the occasional brambling over. Around 30 meadow pipits were on Sandy Ridge yesterday. On recent visible migration watches, a few ring ouzels have also been passing over with the thrush flocks. We are still awaiting any noticeable numbers of redpoll, and a cold or windy snap will probably be  the catalyst for this to happen. 

The Fungi is still amazing this year. The Lodge is always a great place to see lots of varieties, with over 600 species recorded. Many of these are  just small spores on the back of leaves that most of us wouldn't notice, but some are the giant parasols and colorful Fly-Agarics that visitors love to see.

Here are a few recent pictures of some of the species we've seen....

Fly Agaric, birds-nest- 'penny bunns,puffball and another fly agaric. Image credits Mark Brandon