Autumn has now fully arrived at the fen, I even changed the sightings sheets in the hide to winter today! With the arrival of some cooler air and easterly winds we have seen our first visible migration over the fen in recent days. Visible migration is quite an amazing thing to witness when you get your eye, and ear into the movements. This morning over 800 redwings, 150 Chaffinches 50 Song thrushes, 40 Meadow pipits and 5 Bramblings were seen passing overhead! If you get to the fen early in the morning on a clear day you may also witness these movements. Bearded Tits are still irrupting from the fen, with groups of 5-30 still being seen from various places as well as at Buckenham, I hope this will continue for another couple of weeks, but is difficult to predict, as always calm sunny conditions are best. Ducks have certainly started to arrive in numbers now with Teal, shoveler, Tufted duck and even a fine female pintail all on show today. The wigeon numbers have slowly started to build and with a northerly airflow more will be expected in the coming weeks. Snipe built their numbers at Tower Hide to 37 during the weekend and a small number of ruff are also visible feeding busily in-between the ducks. A Jack snipe almost flew into Fen Hide on Sunday but veered over at the last minute and continued east. Also at Fen and Reception hides water rails have been showing in full view on the muddy margins, giving a rare chance to study these spectacular waterbirds. Otters have been seen with some regularity from Reception and Fen Hides as well as kingfishers and bitterns at the usual places, I expect an influx of bitterns over the coming months as Scandinavia begins to cool down. The Harrier roost is slowly starting to build with up to 15 birds now spending the night at the fen, a coordinated count on 19 October will give a more accurate count. 2 wing tagged birds are currently using the fen Green DZ is from Haddiscoe and a bird with a red tag is most probably a returning individual from the Isle of Sheppy, Kent. While waiting for the harriers on Saturday evening I was aware of a thin seep call from Fen Hide, my initial thoughts were that it was a penduline tit, but the bird has yet to be seen to fully confirm it. So the birds are certainly on the move at the moment, its a great time to be out and about and enjoy all that the Mid Yare has to offer.