I went on my first proper spring walk around the reserve yesterday.  It was absolutely, completely and utterly wonderful.  Ciaran, our Assistant Warden, acted as my teacher for the evening, pointing out bearded tits, showing me where a lapwing was sitting on eggs, letting me peek into a robin's nest and helping me identify every bird I could see. 

So we were sitting in Tower Hide looking out for bearded tits when, all of a sudden, Ciaran grabbed my  arm and told me in no uncertain terms to Shhhh!  And then I heard my first ever bittern booming.  Other than the first time I saw the otters here, I think it may have been my most exciting wildlife experience yet.  What a fantastic sound, like someone blowing over a bottle neck - how on earth does an animal make that noise?!

Our walk was topped off with a fantastic aerial display from four marsh harriers, doing food passes and locking talons mid-flight.

If you feel the need for a peaceful, magical stroll, come along in the evening when the sun spills its golden light out over the reeds and the birds start to quieten down.  Perfect.

Broads Area Team Administrator