Lackford Run is still closed however all other paths are open.
The female otter and her cubs have been seen near Fen Hide a lot over the last couple of weeks and the young male has been seen about, particularly near the sluice by the river.
Hen harriers are still around, as are our resident marsh harriers. Bitterns and kingfishers are also still being seen regularly from all hides.
A little grebe has been bobbing about on the broad for the last few weeks, looking tiny next to the already small teal.
Bramblings and nuthatches continue to visit the bird feeders.
Water rail have been sighted regularly over the last week or so, as have sparrowhawk, reed bunting, peregrine, buzzard, snipe and siskins.
Short eared owls are also being sighted at Buckenham, where you can also see wigeon, lapwing, peregrines and rooks. The rook roost should be starting to thin out at this time of year, however it is still very cold so they may stick together a little longer.
LotteBroads Area Team Administrator