Celebrating the Wales Coast Path

 Lift your spirits during this time with a TV tour of the Welsh coast and South Stack! Presenter Sean Fletcher visited  South Stack last year to meet our warden Denise and shepherd Pete and to hear about life on the reserve. You can watch the show 'Wonders of the Coast Path', a six-part series, broadcast in Wales from Monday 27th April at 8.30pm. It will be shown elsewhere in the country in the summer. Anglesey is in episode 1.


Denise has a special family connection to South Stack, her great granddad was a lighthouse keeper and her granddad grew up in the lighthouse! Tune in next Monday to find out more.

If you missed it don't worry it is available on the ITV website please follow this link, https://www.itv.com/walesprogrammes/also-showing/wonders-of-the-coast-path-episode-1?fbclid=IwAR2QiE0HwTB4Q9SlKPgtRZXl7KlsHCq2hPQJdMBylFwBnqlz_qwUDrVR_fU

 It’s never been more important for us to help connect people with nature. During this period of ‘lockdown’, media outlets are still approaching the RSPB with requests to conduct filming on locations, such as on our nature reserves. These could be current affairs media outlets, such as the BBC or ITV, or production companies, such as Springwatch. Some media channels may have ‘special broadcast status’ (i.e. an acceptance that their activity is essential and allowable under current Government guidelines).


All requests we receive will be looked at on a cases by case basis and we will never compromise on safety and breach Government guidelines. We also recognise the important role that nature can play in lifting spirits during this incredibly difficult time. We will therefore do what we can to facilitate filming that meets this criteria, but with all RSPB support and guidance provided remotely.


Filming is currently underway on the reserve for BBC Springwatch looking at the social interactions of our young chough.  There is a flock currently feeding across the reserve. These young, aged between 1 and 5 years old are learning about the world – it’s great to know how they are doing.  Anglesey cameraman, Jesse is filming these interactions for the BBC as part of a wider story about these amazing birds.   Anglesey is one of the few places in the UK to have flocks, with less than 300 breeding pairs on mainland UK they are a rare site.  Approximately 80 % of chough don’t survive to 1 years old. 

We are so fortunate on Anglesey to have such a talented wildlife camera man who has worked on a wide variety of shows including Blue Planet II for the BBC Natural History Unit.   He has been filming at South Stack on and off for many years, he knows the site well and the wildlife that lives there.  He has permission from the government and police to film.  The footage is lightly to be aired in May and June.  Keep an eye out for updates.

RSBP South Stack