Good numbers of chough visit our Warden's garden at South Stack daily feeding on oats and sunflower seeds, these are the mousetrap pair on the table, there has been up to 10 sometimes but so far they have avoided the camera.

 The 1 year olds seem to have their own gang and it's lovely to see amongst them 3 local birds, 1 from the mountain site, 1 from The Range and 1 from Porth Dafarch. First year mortality can be quite high so it's always nice to identify first year birds from their colour rings Hugging

Also, some exciting news looks like we may have a new pair, 6A is a 5 year old female from near Porth Dafarch and 2U is a 3 year old male from Rhoscolyn and they seem to be getting along! Our warden has been noticing them together in her garden and saw the male feed the female, both have been collecting nest material and have been seen going to an unoccupied cave on the Range so hopefully they are going to breedFingers crossed

RSBP South Stack