From 25th March 2020 our Warden Denise at South Stack has been alone on the hill.  She lives on site and is responsible for our livestock, check out her blog for information about our magnificent beast, it is called 'South stack woollies'. For thousands of years people have grazed livestock around this area creating what we see today.  All the plants, insects and even birds rely on the area being grazed.  If we stopped many would disappear.  Heather would be replaced by grass, Chough would leave, silver-studded blue butterflies would have no where to breed.  

During the lock down Denise has been sending messages about things she sees whilst checking the sheep and cattle or when she takes her daily exercise  We thought we would put some on here for you all to see! She is also doing a weekly blog about life on the reserve that week so please keep an eye out for that.  

 25th March 2020

My gang Hugging and my main form of company for the foreseeable! Green heart

 15th April 2020

I chose to use my daily exercise to watch the sunset from gogarth yesterday, good choice it was stunning, peregrine about in usual place and treated to a lovely little owl calling on the mountain on my way backOwl Green heartSunrisePurple heart

 20th April 2020

Hello world Raising handhas really felt like spring is in the air the last few days, lots happening, 5 raven chicks close to fledging, spring flowers are blooming on the cliffs usual riot of beautiful colour. Migrants are arriving, saw a ring ouzel in the plantation, first whitethroat singing in my garden, grasshopper warbler reeling, willow warbler and chiff chaff, whimbrel, great skua. Seabirds spending more time at their colonies and mating underway. Some of our chough pairs have started to incubate including the lovely mousetraps Hatching chick love to you all x stay safe PrayGreen heart

 24th April 2020

Good morning world Raising hand‍♀️ happy dizzying daisy Friday, I think I've got the day right Thinking guess it doesn't really matter at the moment! These daisies smell divine even stronger now the wind has dropped. We usually grow barley in this field, spring sown and cut late summer to benefit wildlife including the skylark who rely on arable stubble in the autumn and winter, providing habitat for hares and other mammals and of course the beauty of the flowering plants all summer with the daisy display first Blossom these provide food for butterflies, bees etc. So it's a lovely addition to the land we manage. Hope you're all good x stay safe PrayGreen heartBlossomEar of rice

RSBP South Stack