Once again this year we will be running our Wild Wednesdays with the chance for your Wild Things to explore the ditches and grassy areas of West Canvey Marsh in search for creepy crawlies. Last year despite the rain, each Wednesday we ran the event turned up something new including water scorpion, dragonfly nymph and a smooth newt as well great views of wasp spiders along the ditch edge.
The activities you are able to take part in are all connected to our Wild challenge with a major focus on trying to connect families with nature and the outdoors. whenever RSPB staff and volunteers are asked how they got into nature, majority often had a special connection when they were young and that what we want to encourage in the current generation. Its not just for children though as one of the things that will always make me laugh is how keen parents often are to get involved with the various activities wanting to know what creatures are and it brings out the inner explorer in all of us. Engaging children at an early age can excite a lifetime passion for the outdoors and its such a good time to get involved as their memories are like no other and majority of the time even we get reminded what we are looking at by a keen 7 year old.
The Wild Challenge is supported by Aldi and has three tiers to achieve. Bronze, Silver and Gold and you earn these by taking part in a number of activities. Some of these activities you can achieved by attending one of our events and taking part in pond dipping, some of these activities can be achieved by visiting your nearest nature reserve and just listening out to your surroundings and you can even achieve challenges at home by building a wildlife pond or making your own bird feeders. To find out more follow: http://bit.ly/2KY3xhQ
So get your Wild Things down on a Wednesday and come and discover some of the inhabitants of West Canvey Marsh.
All sessions start at 10am and last roughly 2 hours.
£6 per child, £5 RSPB Wildlife Explorer
To book call us on 01268 498620 or email southessex@rspb.org.uk
For more details: http://bit.ly/2NJz4CH
Image credit: Clive Osbourne