With our project officially launched by the Secretary of State Owen Paterson, with the ensuing media coverage and razzmatazz , life on Wallasea Island now settles into its natural rhythm once more. The public footpath will remain open along our northern seawall, allowing visitors to take a look at the construction process taking place, but also to experience the vast open space and natural beauty of the marshlands.

This time of year brings autumnal colour to the saline tolerant plants on upper levels, and as the migrant birds arrive for their winter stay the air is full of the cry of brent geese, widgeon and lapwing amongst others. Thousands of birds will overwinter on our shores and can be seen best as the high tide drops and they follow its ebb across the mudflats to feed.

Our early stages mean that facilities on site are limited, but we do offer guided walks over the autumn/winter period. Our Wallasea Wanders are led by an experienced local birder and RSPB volunteers, explaining the work going on as well as talking of the wildlife which may be seen on Wallasea. They last approximately 2 hours and are timed according to the tide of the day to make the most of the bird spectacle on the day.

Details are available on our website www.rspb.org.uk/Wallasea or on 01702 257179– Booking is essential.

Blog by Hilary Hunter, Wallasea Island Public Engagement Officer

Love Nature x