There’s a great selection of wintering waders to see across our reserves at the moment. At Vange Marsh, Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit, Snipe, Ruff and Green Sandpiper have all been regularly seen, along with Water Rail skulking in the ditches. A trip down to Timberman’s Creek at Wat Tyler Country Park may reward you with Greenshank, Spotted Redshank and Oystercatcher, while Lapwing and Curlew can be found on all our reserves. These waders also provide food for birds of prey, if you’re lucky you may catch a glimpse of a Peregrine trying to pick one out of the flock. Looking out from the marina at Wat Tyler Country Park is a great place to try and see them at the moment. On Pitsea Scrape, both Yellow-legged and Mediterranean Gulls have been seen amongst the gull flock.

Thanks to Darren Chaplin for his excellent black-tailed godwit picture