After a wet and cold day on Tuesday, the weather since could not have been more different. With temperatures in the mid twenties and wall to wall sunshine, the mini and not so mini beasts are showing superbly. Take a relaxing stroll through our garden at Wat Tyler Country Park, spend a few minutes enjoying the sunshine beside one of our ponds, and you will see one of the true masters of the air! Both broad-bodied and four-spotted chasers are patrolling their ponds. These spectacular dragonflies regularly rest on a favourite twig or stick, allowing wonderfully close views, just like the broad-bodied chaser below taken by David Lee.

Walk through the meadows and scrub land rides and your sure to see orange-tipped, speckled wood and common blue butterflies, if you are lucky you may spot the day-flying burnet companion moth. This one below was taken yesterday by David Lee at Wat Tyler.

Talking of moths this coming Saturday night is the first of a series of moth evenings at Wat Tyler. Starting at 9 pm and running til late, we will set a number of harmless light traps and sit back and see what is attracted to the lights. A strictly bookable event, to book a place or places call 01268 498620, the event is suitable for families.