We are very sad to announce that at the end of May the RSPB South Essex Visitor Centre based in Wat Tyler Country Park will be closing. Our last day will be the 25 and 26 May 2019.
In recent years, we have seen a drop in the number of people visiting the centre and after giving this much consideration, we feel that closing the Visitor Centre is the right thing to do. As we continue on our mission to save nature with partners, members and volunteers, we want to ensure that as much money as possible goes into nature conservation.
We will focus our efforts on saving nature on the six sites that we manage across South Essex: Stanford Wharf, Vange Marsh, Vange Wick, Bowers Marsh, West Canvey Marsh and Canvey Wick, with the help of our fantastic staff and volunteer team. We will continue to improve these sites for nature as well as for the public and will strive to deliver a programme of events across these sites to continue engaging with and inspiring local communities.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff and volunteers for their extremely hard work at the South Essex Visitor Centre as well as thanking all the visitors we’ve had over the years and the support we’ve received from the local community.
If you have any questions please email southessex@rspb.org.uk