This weekend, the weather will be fine, daffodils are poking their yellow heads above the earth, birds are singing and the days are lengthening.

Surely, this can mean just one thing - spring has sprung!

This weekend why not hunt for signs of spring. It could be snowdrops in your garden or local park. Skylarks singing over The South Essex Marshes reserves or robins chasing each other in the RSPB garden at Wat Tyler Country Park.

Spring is my favourite season. it's a time of new beginnings, new life and regeneration. What's your favourite seasonal highlight? Do leave me a comment and let me know.

Recent sightings

On Thursday 03 March: two buzzards were seen on the regular 'Thursday guided walk' at Wat Tyler from Timbermans Creek. In the creek were over 50 black-tailed godwits, and perfect for highlighting the differences there was a greenshank and a spotted redshank alongside the more numerous common redshanks. Another highlight of the two hour walk, were two peregrine falcons on the pylons behind the scrape. Over forty species were seen during the walk which starts at 10.30 am every Thursday from our visitor centre.

Wednesday 02 March: Viewing from the marina at Wat Tyler over 500 wigeon could be seen on our Vange Wick reserve, while a single ruff was in the creek.

Signs of spring at Wat Tyler to look out for. Dog violets are beginning to flower, as are crocuses and speedwell, bumblebees are buzzing and smooth newts have been spotted in our ponds.

On West Canvey Marsh an impressive 58 corn buntings were counted along the hedgerow near the middle viewing screen. Skylarks are now finding their voices and marking out their breeding territories. Their song is a sure sign of spring, but can you spot the songster singing above you?

And finally, not a sign of spring, but there are still a few waxwings around in Pitsea, enjoy!