Now is a great time to get to grips with the three warbler species that breed in or close to the reedbeds at Wat Tyler. Our resident cetti's warblers are now being joined by the summering sedge and reed warblers.

Cetti's warbler a small, rather nondescript bird, Cetti's warbler (pronounced chetty) is a skulking bird and can prove very difficult to see. It usually makes its presence known with loud bursts of song and the first glimpse will probably be of a dark, rather stocky warbler with short wings and a full, rounded tail, diving for cover. It is one of the UK's most recent colonists, first breeding here in 1973.

The sedge warbler is a small, quite plump, warbler with a striking broad creamy stripe above its eye, and greyish brown legs. It is brown above with blackish streaks and creamy white underneath. It is a summer visitor, and winters in Africa, south of the Sahara Desert. Its song is a noisy, rambling warble compared to the more rhythmic song of the reed warbler.

The reed warbler is a plain unstreaked warbler. It is warm brown above and buff coloured underneath. It is a summer visitor to breed in the UK, with the largest concentrations in East Anglia and along the south coast - there are relatively few breeding in Scotland and Ireland. It winters in Africa.

Events this week

Thursday 07th April: Wildlife Walk 10.30am – 12.30pm
Come for a free guided walk each Thursday around Wat Tyler Park, discover the wildlife of the park and see the changes that each season brings. Free event, no need to book. Location: RSPB Visitor Centre, Wat Tyler Country Park, Pitsea Hall Lane, Basildon SS16 4UH.

Saturday 09th - Sunday 10th April: Wildlife Activities For Kids – RSPB Visitor Centre 10.00am – 4pm
Pop in to our visitor centre and make a nature notebook, decorate a pencil case or take a nature trail around our wildlife garden. Colouring and quizzes will also be available. Free event, no need to book. Small charge for some activities. Location: RSPB Visitor Centre, Wat Tyler Country Park, Pitsea Hall Lane, Basildon SS16 4UH.

Saturday 09th and Sunday 10th April: Wild Challenge! – RSPB Visitor Centre 10.00am – 4pm
Test your powers of observation around the park on a Wild Challenge. There will be a small prize for correct answer sheets plus an overall prize for the fastest completion time. Cost £1 per entry. Location: RSPB Visitor Centre, Wat Tyler Country Park, Pitsea Hall Lane, Basildon SS16 4UH