This brilliant picture was sent to use by 9-year-old Natasha King.

She says; "My dad took this photo of a blue tit in the nest box I made when I visited the South Essex RSPB centre in the half term holidays.

Nestboxes are essential for many garden birds as we move into breeding season. They act as an alternative to natural nesting grounds such as holes found in old trees and can make a great spring home to raise a brood.

Natasha adds; "I have now joined the RSPB. It’s great fun and I recommend everyone to join and we might even help some birds survive!"

Fancy peeping into a nestbox like this blue tit? Join us at the RSPB Visitor Centre in Wat Tyler Country Park where we have a 24-live feed into our great tit nestbox. She's currently sitting on 4 eggs which could hatch at any day!