My alarm goes off at 4am. I desperately want to turn it off. Then suddenly I remember why it's set so early. I can already hear the twitter and chatter of birds waking up outside and I start to get excited. This morning I'm getting up and getting out to listen to one of the most amazing sounds in the world. It beats any musical talent hands or should I say wings down! Yep, I'm getting up to listen to the Dawn Chorus. The awesome and inspiring sound of all the early birds singing away, letting the world know they exist and are ready for the day, whatever it has in store. You just can't beat it!

Reed Bunting Singing - Uncredited

In fact May the 5th is International Dawn Chorus Day, the worldwide celebration of Nature's daily Miracle. And in celebration we are running Dawn Chorus Walks here at Wat Tyler Country Park on 5th, 11th, 17th and 23rd May. With a 5.30am start and experts on hand you can't fail to hear some of the wonderful songs that our british birds have to share. It is well worth that 4am start, it will lift your soul giving you the prefect start to the day! If you would like to book a place on the walk or find out more give us a ring on 01268 498620 or email

For more information about Dawn Chorus Day check out the official site