Widlife action awards symbol


A brilliant 'well done' to Michael Old from Benfleet who has just been awarded GOLD in the RSPB Wildlife Action Awards.

This plucky 6 year old has gone above and beyond in the call to 'step up for nature', completing over 20 activities, including counting butterflies and moths, helping hedgehogs, planting trees and writing to an MP.

This award scheme is all about finding out about wildlife, doing practical things to help and telling other people about them. Lots of things threaten our wildlife, but nature is all around us and there are things you can do to help.

Know a young nature lover? Why not get them involved.  It’s easy to take part and there are three stages to aim for - bronze, silver and gold award. Its great fun and you can get stuck in under the categories below;

  • Finding out what’s there
  • Helping wildlife
  • Being environmentally friendly
  • Spread the word.   

To find out more or to take part visit http://www.rspb.org.uk/youth/makeanddo/do/actionawards/index.aspx

Want to find out about other ways to step up for nature? Get involved here  http://www.rspb.org.uk/stepup2020
