Had our first returning summer migrant last Friday, a stunning male wheatear on West Canvey Marsh. The males tend to arrive a week or two before the females, probably to set-up their breeding territory, ours was passing through on his way further north. At Wat Tyler Country Park up to three ruff can still be seen in the creek from the marina,along with spotted redshank, greenshank and black-tailed godwits. At Vange Marsh there were 5 Little Grebe, a Great Crested Grebe, 2 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 4 Mute Swan, 48 Pochard, 5 Tufted Duck, 2 Oystercatcher, 1 Green Sandpiper, 2 Cetti's Warbler and 3 Reed Bunting.

Adults Craft Workshop – Kanzashi Flowers

Wednesday, March 16: 7pm to 9.30pm

This workshop will introduce you to the basics of fabric folding allowing you to create lovely fabric flowers for use on cards, gifts, clothing and accessories. Cost - £10 per person, materials & equipment provided. Booking essential. For more information and booking, contact Maria Spiller at maria.spiller@rspb.org.uk or 01268 498625. Location: RSPB Visitor Centre, Wat Tyler Park, Pitsea Hall Lane, Basildon SS16 4UH


Adults Craft Workshop – Fabric Flower Arrangement

Saturday, March 19: 10am to 3pm

Find a use for all those unwanted fabric scraps, ribbons, buttons and beads! With Mothering Sunday and Easter approaching, make a small fabric floral arrangement that can be given as a gift or used as a table decoration. Bring a packed lunch. Cost - £20 per person, materials & equipment provided. Booking essential. For more information and booking, contact Maria Spiller at maria.spiller@rspb.org.uk or 01268 498625. Location: RSPB Visitor Centre, Wat Tyler Park, Pitsea Hall Lane, Basildon SS16 4UH