Today was a tystie monitoring day on Mousa.  We assisted Aberdeen University/SOTEAG on their second visit of the year.

04:30 - alarm clock goes off, moon low over Sumburgh Head.  Beautiful day!

04:50 - start car - feeling buzzy (maybe the strong leaf tea?)

05:20 - board Mousa Ferry with Newton, and Martin & Mick (from Aberdeen University/SOTEAG)

05:30 - see a spectacular sunrise behind Helliness

05:50 - set off counting black guillemots around Mousa

05:51-07:45 - v happy on a beautiful RSPB reserve, doing something worthwhile and loving black guillemots, shags, rock pipits, skylarks, eiders, seals, and even watching the Northlink ferry pass Lerwick bound

07:48 - study a diver, in case it is a white-billed like previous years.  It isn't

09:15 - stock up on cooked breakfast goodies at the Toab shop

10:00 - as well as seeing red-throated divers and handsome eiders, we see a shoal of chunky sandeels - an injection of hope for the coming breeding season

A good morning indeed!

If you are in Shetland, why not get outdoors at 5am and walk a bit of coast or head through the hills. Or indeed, if you are at the Shetland Folk Festival and are just thinking about going to bed at 5am, take a relaxing wander and listen to our local avian musicians sing, whistle, rattle and holler.  You'll remember it forever.