Like many places, Shetland has it's own names for various birds.  I think the most well known are "Bonxie" and "Tystie" (great skua and black guillemot).   Last night, whilst driving away from Sumburgh Head RSPB reserve, my attention was grabbed by a small bird with which showed white on its wings as it flew - a Snaa Ful!   It was my first snow bunting of the season. 

Snaa Fool (sometimes Snow Fool) simply means "Snow Bird."  Just a glimpse of one fires the imagination.  Where did the bird breed and what species may it have seen before arriving in Shetland?  Arctic foxes? Polar bears? Harlequin ducks? 

Whilst you still get large flocks of snow buntings in Shetland, there has been a distinct decline over the last thirty years.  I am not sure of the factors, but imagine climate change will have something to do with it.  I admit to have been leaving too many lights on lately - an old fool I am!! - so this lone bird has reminded me to take a few steps towards tackling climate change.