Walk-about - 22-05-2016

It seems such a long time ago that I went for a stroll around Sandwell Valley, but it was great to get back and meet up with a few fellow photographers.

First stop, as always, is the Heronry:

As there was no Kingfisher to be found, I settled down to watch the young Coots being fed (ugly little so-and-so's, but with doting parents):

A walk down to Swan Pool to hopefully see the Great Crested Grebes, but I could'nt find them, so was happy enough to spot and identify a female Corn Bunting:

From a clockwise stroll around the lake, I spotted this on the island (can foxes swim - apparently, Google suggests they can):

Always wanting to point the camera at something, I capture a couple of butterflys:

On the way back to the car, I almost tripped over this fellow:

A pleasant 3 hour stroll round the lakes - must do it again soon.


Local RSPB Reserve: Sandwell Valley

My Photo Blog: www.loz.pics