On Thursday last week, 30 nursery students explored Sandwell Valley using all their senses and were amazed at the different smells that green leaves can have in the herb garden, the sights and sounds and the feel of the the old oak tree as they gave it a huge hug. As we walked back from the bird hide, with faces aloft and tongues out catching the rain, over the troll bridge and past the crotchety croc (his nose has been broken!), I overheard the students asking their teachers if they could come back again. "Yes, maybe next year" was the reply. "But I want to come back tomorrow and the day after and the day after too". You can never get enough of a good thing hey? 

My week ended happily with the words of a student, literally bouncing with glee, his knees wet from kneeling at the pond and his cheeks ruddy from the fresh air saying  " What an Epic day! I wan't to live here".  Lucy Richards, RSPB Field Teacher